Friday, September 3, 2010

Father's Day Fun

This year is a double whammy for my husband in the "special" day department. Tomorrow (sat) is his birthday and of course Sunday is Father's Day.
We kind of have a rule in our house that Mother's and Father's Day/s are a day for presents that are recycled, upcycled or made so this year I have been screenprinting on some pre-worn blank tees... not just for hubby but for the kids as well...
On Sunday they will be wearing matching tees:

For the boys

and for Daddy.

I'm hoping they aren't too cheesy for my hubby! I have purposely designed them so they aren't immediately readable... the proof will be in the wearing I guess!

I must admit the birthday present is a tad boring, but it was requested, so I am looking forward to the giggles on Sunday morning when I put the boys in their tees and get them to present hubby's tee to him.

Happy Father's Day to all Dads!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Winner!

So it didn't take long to get our fan numbers up over on our Facebook page and when we reached the magic number of 115 I had a giveaway... YAY! I know, 115 isn't many but we'd been hovering below 100 for a while and it was really bugging me!!

Anyway I really love having giveaways! It always gives me warm fuzzies to make someone happy, especially if one of my tees makes them happy!

So thanks to our winner was Sarah Tuck. Congrats again Sarah!
Sarah has chosen our girls skull and cross bones tee for her little one who turns one soon.

I hope she likes it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time for another giveaway!

We have been hovering under 100 fans on our facebook page for a while now so I thought I'd add an incentive to get more people to the page and aware of our FAB t-shirts!

So how about a giveaway! YAY!
Once we get to 115 fans I will draw a winner from our fan list. And what will that winner win you may ask?

Well... I have a number of blank 12-18 month size tees in stock so the winner will get to choose from 3 colours and the CC Tees design of choice (in kids styles).

So comeon... why not become a fan!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Maria Williamson who won our Tui Kids Tee for her son in the {KID} Independent World T-shirt Tour competition. This was such a fab promotion with 31 indie designers from all over the world being a part of it, we were amongst some pretty fine company!

I especially liked the super cute tees from mi cielo who are based in Hawaii.
Check out the coolest Mr T tee ever!!

And check out the Darth Vader Tee...

Here are some more star wars ones... so clever!

Anyway, thanks {KID} Independent for such a fab competition!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

World T-Shirt Tour ... check it out to win!!

I'm sooooo excited! CC Tees are going to be featured on the super cool blog {KID} Independent tomorrow!!

{KID} Independent is all about "indie style for kids" and they feature all kinds of FAB handmade products and independent designers all over the world. At the moment they are running a cool feature called the World T-Shirt Tour, which features independent t-shirt designers from all over. It is running for the month of July and they are up to week 4 (with 5 or 6 designers a week) and they are also giving away 1 t-shirt from each designer featured, so 31 t-shirts!!. How cool is that!!

You must check them out as they feature the cutest and best of handmade goodness from the craftiest of people from everywhere. Can you tell I'm excited?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sneak Peak: Kiwiana 4 Kids

I can't resist giving you a sneak peak of my newest designs. Leo and I had fun today taking some pics... I was amazed at how patient he was! I think the bribes of shortbread and chocolate buttons were his main motivation. We did this mini photoshoot so I could send some photos to an Australian blog who are doing a fab promotion next month... [not sure how much I can say so stay tuned to find out more in July].

Anyway my mind is always wizzing with new ideas for tee designs and given the popularity of my Born in NZ tee (see here and buy here) I thought some more kiwiana themed tees were the go.

These tees are screenprinted with applique elements that make them truly unique! Top in red is the Tui Tee (a native NZ bird) and bottom in yellow is the Jandal Tee. I will be loading these onto the website in the next couple of days.

Oh and did I mention I am also doing these in adult sizes too? Yay!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stay snuggly warm in our HALF PRICE HOODIES!!!

So who's feeling the cold? The sun is shining but it is still pretty chilly outside why not take advantage of our fantabulous HALFPRICE HOODIE SALE! These hoodies are end of line in our kiwiana range and all must go.

We have only 2 super cool mens Weta hoodies left... these have proved so popular expecially with expat kiwis and the odd bug freak! Also available are the Nature Chaos, My Aotearoa (pictured) hoods available in both mens and womens sizes and Kiwi hoods available in mens sizes.

Get yours now and stay warm with CC Tees!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble...

What to do when your spouse flys across to the other side of the world, you are ill with tonsilitis and your two year old is obsessed with books and cooking shows?

So Queens Birthday holiday on Monday and well it wasn't really a very nice day here in Auckland. Hubby left on an OS trip with words of warning of localised tornadoes forecast for Auckland and I had woken up feeling well... pretty shady to say the least. Turns out (after a trip to the a/hrs dr and $110 later!!!) that I have tonsilitis. What a fabulous way to start 2 weeks without hubby.

Mr 2 loves books and every week he has a new favourite that just has to be read over and over and over and over... his other obsession is cooking shows on TV. I must admit I am a little partial myself, but Mr 2 calls them "his" shows and particularly likes the ladies... Rachel Ray, Nigella, Giada... so when he found a book amongst a pile given to us recently by friends it was obvious this would soon become the new favourite.

The book?
The Witch in the Cherry Tree by Margaret Mahy, which just happens to have a recipe for Gingerbread Witches in the back!

So one of hubby's chat's with Mr 2 before he left was that maybe he could ask Mummy to help him make some Gingerbread Witches...
How could I say no!

So yesterday when Mr 2 decided (as he often does these days) that he was not having a nap there was nothing else for it. Thankfully Mr 7 months was napping!

The evidence.

The process involved making our own witch stencil, but after cutting out a few I got lazy and made the rest into Gingerbread Cookies. The eyes were supposed to be currents but we only had sultanas on hand. Did the trick and Mr 2 was happy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

And the winners are....

Congratulations to Amy Ross and Sarah Gauntlett, you have both won a $25 voucher to spend in the CC Tees store! Email me here to claim your prize.
Thank you to everyone who entered!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Win one of two $25 vouchers with CC Tees!!!!

This competition is open until Sunday 6th June 12 midnight... so enter now people!!

Check out how to enter here

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Giveaway to Make Me Happy Day!

Ok so I have a teething baby and have had very little sleep as he insists on sleeping on me! So I have decided to do something drastic to cheer myself up (and others hopefully!!) and have a giveaway! Now I haven't had a giveaway before, but have been inspired by all the great giveaways on other sites of late, so it is also a bit of an experiment. Here goes...

Win one of two $25 CC Tees gift vouchers*.
Ok that is 2 giveaways, so that means 2 winners!!!
The vouchers are for use at our online shop.

L-R Top: Merino/Jersey Cot Blanket, Wild Animal Mobile, Skull Kids Tee. Middle: Born in NZ Kids tee, Kiwi Kids Tee, Crinkly. Bottom: Romper Rug, Adult Weta Hoodie, 123 Kids Tee.

To enter: Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page telling us what you would buy with your voucher.
For extra entries: 1. Become a Facebook Fan of CC Tees by Creative Current and/or 2. Become a Twitter follower of CC Tees and/or 3. Twitter or Facebook about this gift voucher giveaway. The more times you tweet or facebook, the more entries you can have. Enter as many times as you like (just make sure you come back and leave a comment here or comment on our Facebook page).

Winner will be chosen randomly and announced next Monday (June 7th).
Competition is open internationally, but postage will apply outside of NZ.

*Vouchers can't be used to order new products, not already listed on the website, unless otherwise agreed upon by me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ordering your unique tee...

So it seems our Born Here/Born in NZ tee was extremely popular at the last 2 markets we've attended... we only have one left in stock. This one is a little girlie so well perfect for the little lady in the house...

But don't be disappointed... you can order your unique tee by emailing us here. These tees are totally customisable. We can place the button, which marks the spot, where ever you want, be it Gore or Gisborne, Wellington or Waikato, Nelson or Ngatea... you get the idea, right?

Or as presents for overseas relatives we can even do something like this (a recent order winging its way to Sweden)...

Also check out our website to see what new products we have listed - including some new Merino/Jersey Cot Blankets, Crinklies and Romper Rugs. As well as a little bit of kiwiana... the Kiwi Kids Tee

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Royal Oak Market

Come and check out the Royal Oak Market - Building Sustainable Communities, this Sunday, 23rd May, 10-2pm, 14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak (CCS Disability Action).

from their website...
The Royal Oak Market brings together the ideas of community, culture, healthy living and sustainability.

The market features locally produced food, fresh fruit and vegetables, and the work of local independent designers, artists and crafts people . The market is unique in that it also has community stalls and free talks about gardening, eating green and living sustainably.

It provides a venue for the community to get together and purchase great products from local producers, while finding out what is happening in their local community.

The market is hosted by CCS Disability Action, a not-for-profit organistation that supports people with disabilities. The market is a practical and enjoyable way for us to demonstrate our committment to building sustainable communities.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Born in NZ.

New to our kids range is this cute "Born Here" longsleeve tee. I love the way kiwi's are so patriotic so thought a tee to celebrate that was the perfect addition to CC Tees!

Featuring an appliqued map of NZ in cute cotton fabric, a button to mark the spot and some handsewn text... this one will be making it's debut at Crafternoon Tea on Saturday. If you are in the area come on down to Kingsland, from 10am-3pm at the Trinity Methodist Church - which is on the corner of Sandringham and New North Roads.

Available soon on the website, this tee can be customised to suit... just tell us where you want the arrow to point, be it Christchurch, Rotorua or... well where-ever, we can make one up just for you! Contact us here for more info.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wild About Mobiles.... wild animals that is!

So I have been experimenting some more with my baby mobiles. I find it quite therapeutic cutting and creating...

Here are some pics of my "Wild About Animals" mobile created from coloured paper. I am going to be showing this and some other creations at the Crafternoon Tea market this Saturday in Kingsland. So if you are in the area please come and check out my stall. I will be in the company of some fab crafters, so it is well worth a look.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Handmade gifts

Some friends of ours have just welcomed a new baby girl into their family and well for me it was the perfect opportunity to make something!

This is one of my Merino/Jersey cot blankets (Merino one side, jersey the other), I am soo loving the red merino! I am hoping to get the time to make a few more blankets for the markets coming up in May. They make the perfect baby shower gift! They are super lightweight but so warm and cozy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


More craftiness and experimentation in the CC studio...
I seem to have a thing for whales and elephants at the moment and have been experimenting with some kids room art.

Shown here in Ash's bedroom are my Whale & Fish mobile and Whale shadowbox made from recycled kids storybook.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Check out this cute design I put together for Ash based on an embroidered robot on some shorts he was given. Think I might make some more for sale...

It's been a long time...

... since I posted that is!
WOW how fast is this year going, craziness!

So what have I been up to? Well apart from seeing my now 5 month old growing and developing at a super quick rate (sitting up already and eating solids with gusto) I have been thinking, creating, crafting, sewing...

Haven't managed to make it to any markets since January as either myself or hubby have been away but hopefully I'll be showcasing all my new wares at 2 markets in May - Crafternoon Tea in Kingsland on Sat 15th May and Royal Oak Market on Sun 23rd May. Fingers crossed I'll get stalls at both.

So what will I be selling?

Kids t-shirts of course!
But also some new fleece blankets, colourful and fun and sooo snuggly to keep away that winter chill while out in the pram or at home.

Also our great tag blankies. I made one of these for my bub after seeing how much my 2 yr old loved his, that some friends in the UK gave him. After getting loads of positive comments I thought I'd add them to my collection.
Here are some examples:

I'll be trying to update things more regularly from now on with my little side projects and other things I come across on my daily web trawl so stay tuned. And hope to see you at those markets in May.


PS: all these items are also soon to be listed on our online store