Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ordering your unique tee...

So it seems our Born Here/Born in NZ tee was extremely popular at the last 2 markets we've attended... we only have one left in stock. This one is a little girlie so well perfect for the little lady in the house...

But don't be disappointed... you can order your unique tee by emailing us here. These tees are totally customisable. We can place the button, which marks the spot, where ever you want, be it Gore or Gisborne, Wellington or Waikato, Nelson or Ngatea... you get the idea, right?

Or as presents for overseas relatives we can even do something like this (a recent order winging its way to Sweden)...

Also check out our website to see what new products we have listed - including some new Merino/Jersey Cot Blankets, Crinklies and Romper Rugs. As well as a little bit of kiwiana... the Kiwi Kids Tee

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