Wednesday, July 21, 2010

World T-Shirt Tour ... check it out to win!!

I'm sooooo excited! CC Tees are going to be featured on the super cool blog {KID} Independent tomorrow!!

{KID} Independent is all about "indie style for kids" and they feature all kinds of FAB handmade products and independent designers all over the world. At the moment they are running a cool feature called the World T-Shirt Tour, which features independent t-shirt designers from all over. It is running for the month of July and they are up to week 4 (with 5 or 6 designers a week) and they are also giving away 1 t-shirt from each designer featured, so 31 t-shirts!!. How cool is that!!

You must check them out as they feature the cutest and best of handmade goodness from the craftiest of people from everywhere. Can you tell I'm excited?